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Event Organizer
All the articles needed to set up a successful event in Brella as an event organizer
Self-hosting our widgets
Enabling Ticketing Settings
Create Tickets on Brella
Registration Form
Registration Page
Show Sessions in Parallel
Highlight Speakers, Schedule, and Sponsors
Create Discount Codes on Brella
Ticketing Report
Ticketing Widget in Event Website
Customize the ticketing widget
Fees Structure
Generate tickets through Stripe
Detailed Receipts & Invoices
Payment Methods
Ticket Refunds
Connected Account FAQs
Tracking & sending data to Google Analytics and other services
Troubleshooting integration issues
Use Cases Beyond Networking
Enable Matchmaking
Identity feature to set Personas, Industries, and Functions
Setup Matchmaking & Identity Data Using Brella Templates
Upload Categories
Reordering Categories and Interests
Remove categories, interests & intents
Categories Checklist
Download Matchmaking Statistics and Data
Disable Matchmaking
Export Matchmaking Report
How to Create Matchmaking Categories and Interests for Your Event with ChatGPT
Importing Invites Using .CSV Files
Attendee Profile Setup
Attendees Skip Profile Setup
Participant Networking Status
Export Participants List
Remove Event Participants
Attendee-to-Attendee Lead Scanning
Schedule 1:1 Meetings Using the Hosted-Buyer Program
Enable Group Meetings
Schedule Group Meetings with Hosted Buyer Program
The People Tab Is for Networking 🤝
Enabling One-click authentication for invites
Enable/Disable Sponsor Tab
Create Sponsor Profiles
Manage Sponsorship Categories
Customize Booth's Tabs & CTA text
Carousel Deck Setup
Rename Sponsors’ Page
Edit Sponsor Details
Add Sponsor Products
Add Sponsor Downloadables
Invite Sponsors to set up Their Booth
Link Sponsor Representatives to Virtual Booths
Remove Sponsor Representatives
Organize Sponsor List
Delete sponsor or sponsor category
Introduction to Booth & Representatives Analytics
Import/Export Sponsor Profiles and Booths
Custom Sponsor Tabs
Monitor Sponsor Ads
Locate Sponsor Ads in the App
Display Share of Sponsor Ads
Delete Sponsor Ads
Setup Sponsor Ads
Customize the Sponsor Widget
Set up Meet-at-Booth and Booth Display
Set up Banner Ads
Invite Sponsors to set up their Booth using a CSV File
Session Tracks, Locations, and Tags For Events
Create Content Slots
Networking Track
Create Networking Slots
Filters and Edit Sessions/Slots
Adding Highlighted Speakers For a Track
Sidebar Integrations in the Schedule Sessions
Import and Export Event Agenda for the First Time
Edit/Update Schedule Through a . CSV File
Enable/Disable Live Chat in Sessions
Session Gating
Highlight Sessions on the Home Page
Disable/Enable The Schedule Tab
Brella Public API
On-Demand Traffic Analytics
Summary of Schedule Settings
Customize the schedule widget
Schedule Widget on the Event Website
Troubleshooting Schedule Widget
Define Session Capacity & Track RSVPs
Session Ratings
Slotless Networking Experience
Enable, Create and Manage 'Spaces'
Schedule: Export list of attendees who have bookmarked any content session
Add a Stream
Enable & Manage Stream Chat
Test the Stream Setup
Customize the Stream Tab
Disable Streams
Evmux Features
Live Streaming Content Through Evmux
Record/Save Live Streams in Evmux
Embed On-Demand Videos & Live Streams
Live Stream Analytics Through Evmux
Add Evmux Recording on the Schedule and Home Screen
Stream Access Control per Group Type
Access Embed Link of a Live Stream or Video
Sidebar Integrations in the Stream Tab
Invite/Add Speakers to a Live Stream in Evmux
Setup Live Stream with Evmux
Stream Dimensions
Delay in Live Stream
Resolve Live Streaming issues (for Organizers)
Stream Analytics
Create and Organize Stories
Event Reminder Email
Notifications Reminder
Announcements (Push Notifications)
Views on the Announcement
Edit or Delete Announcements
Samples of Notifications
Custom Emails Best Practices
Custom Email Builder Using the Visual Editor
Introduction to Brella Custom Emails
Custom Email Builder Using the HTML Editor
Welcoming your participants and show how to navigate Brella on your Virtual, In-person or Hybrid event
Quick Guidebook for your First Event on Brella
Hosting an In-person Event in Brella
Hosting a Virtual Event in Brella - Guide
Image file format and dimensions for your event
Language options on Brella
Is Brella GDPR compliant?
Wi-fi and internet connection requirements for the Brella apps to work well
Platform setup process
Brella Meetings Device Setup - Guide
Best Practices for Mobile app - Home screen
Best practices for Brella breakout rooms (BOR)
Best practices for Invites
Best Practices for Matchmaking
Best practices for meeting slot tags
Best Practices for Info Pages
Communications & Engagement - Guide
During the event: Don't delete meeting slots or matchmaking categories
All you need to know about building an engaging event in Brella
Announcement examples to enhance your event's communication for Virtual, In-person & Hybrid events