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Meeting and Chat Metrics
Stephanie avatar
Written by Stephanie
Updated over 7 months ago

This segment in Brella is dedicated to tracking and understanding attendees' overall engagement (pre- and on-site engagement) throughout the event. Let us walk you through how to track the participant's engagement in detail in terms of meetings and chats.

How to read the data

  • Navigate to Admin panel - event - home page

  • Scroll down to the meetings/open chat data segment

  • Meetings are the sum of all accepted, pending, pending rescheduled, canceled/rejected (chat left open), and canceled/rejected (chat left closed) meeting requests.

    • Accepted: meetings are the total number of accepted meetings by all attendees at your event.

    • Pending: meeting is the total number of meeting requests left unanswered.

    • rescheduled: the number of meeting requests that are rescheduled

    • Canceled/rejected (chat left open) represents the sum of canceled and rejected meeting requests where an attendee decided to leave the conversation open.

    • Canceled/rejected (chat left closed) represents the number of rejected meeting requests where an attendee decided to leave the chat closed.

  • Open chats refer to the sum of chats exchanged among attendees.

    • Answered is the number of open chat requests that were answered at some point, but may still at the open chat stage or may have been converted to meetings.

    • Converted to accepted meetings refers to the sum of chats that were converted into 1:1 meetings.

    • Pending refers to the sum of chat requests left without a response.

Meetings and open chats pie charts

  • Meetings: display the distribution of answered, pending, and canceled/rejected meetings.

  • Chats: display the distribution of answered, pending and chats turned into accepted meetings.

❗Note: Data points regarding the open chat are not available if disabled.

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