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Custom Emails Best Practices
Purnima Jayasuriya avatar
Written by Purnima Jayasuriya
Updated over 8 months ago

Custom emails are a great way to include your company branding and get in touch with your event attendees. However, there is a very high probability that these emails will go unnoticed by the attendees and end up in their spam folders. The best practices discussed below will allow you to optimize the custom emails feature in Brella in a way that you can avoid such spam filters and communicate with event attendees effectively.

Best practices

Optimize the subject line

  • Avoid using exclamation marks, question marks, and especially both together (eg: ?!) in your email’s subject line or writing the subject line in all CAPS,

  • Keep the subject line short and sweet (60-90 characters is recommended)

  • Emojis are accepted in the subject line, but use them sparingly (ideally, no more than 1 emoji in the subject line)

Optimize the content

  • Use links sparingly — we typically recommend a maximum of 6 links in your email to be on the safe side; but, this can vary depending on the purpose of your email. It is also recommended not to use any online URL-shortening services.

  • It’s best practice to ensure that your links lead to reputable domains since your emails should not re-direct the attendees to sites that they cannot trust. (eg:, your own domain, Google / Apple domains, and social media like Discord, LinkedIn etc. are usually safe bets)

  • Make sure images are uploaded to/served from a reputable server / CDN (ideally your own domain, or from reputed mail services like Unlayer, BeeFree, Mailchimp, etc.)

  • Use images sparingly as well. We would recommend a text-to-image ratio of 60:40 — this will improve deliverability, especially for corporate email addresses.

  • Make sure your language is grammatically correct, content is spell-checked, uses active voice, and is concise.

If you are using a custom email domain:

  • Ensure that your domain has previously sent emails in recent months

  • The domain you add to Brella should ideally be your primary domain name (avoid using backup domains etc. that you haven’t used in months/years)

  • Check with your IT/network administrator to make sure the reputation of your domain is good.

  • Make sure the SPF and DKIM DNS records provided by Brella are properly configured for your domain by your network admin and are not deleted at any point after being added!

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