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Area Map
Mass Rahim avatar
Written by Mass Rahim
Updated over a week ago

A key feature that many event attendees and sponsors look forward to is the networking possibilities at events. When it comes to in-person and hybrid events, it is vital for people to be aware of the meeting arena and locations allocated for networking to set up meetings. This is where area maps come in handy. The Brella app provides the possibility for event organizers to upload a venue map as well as a networking area map to make the networking experience more convenient for their attendees.

Venue map

The venue map is a general floor plan of the area where the event is held. The venue map will be visible on the home screen of the mobile app as well as within the session slots. This map is mainly focused on demonstrating to the event attendees where each session/location is on the venue.

  • Go to the

  • Click "Customization"

  • Click "Maps"

  • Click the dropdown

  • Select from "Image/Embed web page (URL)"

  • If you selected an image, upload the image from your computer

  • If "Embed web page (URL)" is selected, paste the URL in the given space

Mobile app location

💡Alternatively, you can upload as many maps as event info pages as well (learn how to do it here).

Networking area map

The networking map is directed to show where the networking locations/tables are. This will highlight where the networking is happening in the main event location. The attendees will be able to see the networking app when they have an accepted meeting.

  • Click "Maps"

  • Select from "Image/Embed web page (URL)"

  • If "Embed web page (URL)" is selected, paste the URL in the given space

  • If you selected image, upload the image from your computer

  • Click "Save changes"

Mobile app location

Web app location

👍 You can embed/upload the same map in both slots if you wish.

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