Having pre-defined networking slots at events makes it easier for attendees to schedule meetings during these specified times. These networking slots are dedicated networking times that are set up within the schedule.
Note: Remember to enable networking slots under the Details tab. If you have not enabled meeting slots in the Details tab, attendees will be encouraged to decide on a custom meeting time & location through the app's chat function.
Create a networking slot
Click "Home"
Click "Content"
Click "Schedule"
Click "New networking slot"
Click here.
Add the "Start time".
Select or type in the "Duration" of one networking slot.
Select or type in the "Buffer between meetings" field.
Add the "Number of meeting slots"
Select/create 'Location' where meetings are held
Select/create 'tags' for the networking slot
Click "Preview all meeting slots" to view a summary
Tick "Create another" if you want to continue creating networking slots
Click "Create" to save the networking slot to the schedule
βIt is up to you to decide how many networking slots will be available to the attendees. We recommend having networking slots available for virtual events throughout the event, as attendees join the event from different time zones.All the networking slots you create will be listed under the 1:1 meetings track on the event schedule.
Web app view
πNote: You need to create just one networking slot for multiple users (attendees) to network at that specific time slot. Every single slot is visible to every attendee unless you disable networking for certain groups of attendees. The only time users won't be able to network during a specific slot and with a specific attendee would be when someone from those two parties doesn't have any availability or you as the event organizer have set up networking rules.
β‘Warning! We highly recommend not deleting any slots after launching your Brella event to the audience. When you delete one meeting slot from the admin panel, attendees will lose all their pending and booked meetings for that specific slot. Consult your CSM or [email protected] before deleting any networking slot. For more information, go here.